Exploring Overlooked Gems: Springtime Jazz Vibes

Are you ready to immerse yourself in the mesmerizing world of French jazz? The 74th episode of the Overlooked Tracks Podcast is here to take you on a musical journey filled with Springtime Jazz Vib...
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An Overlooked Tracks Moment - Fresh Music for Spring Romance

Welcome aboard the Magical Music Bus, where Kenny Chiba, your trusty podcast host, is here to guide you through a musical journey like no other. Today, we're diving into some hidden gems that you w...
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A Fifth Season – Something Special

Welcome to the Overlooked Tracks Podcast, where I'm your host, Kenny Chiba. As we step into the year 2024, things have been a bit tumultuous, with a major earthquake in Japan, plane incidents in Tokyo, and ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza. The constant stream of negative news can be overwhelming, leaving many wondering about the state of the world. Amidst all this chaos, it's crucial to find sources of hope and positivity.
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